Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Going Green & Saving Money

I have been looking around for ways to save money, gas and time and just found out our son is riding a bike to work. He doesn't live very far from church where he is Student Pastor and in an effort to save money on his fuel expenses, he has parked his Pontiac Grand Am, borrowed a bicycle and is riding into work this week. He said the ride into work isn't too bad but the ride home is very hot and sweaty. This is a two fold benefit as it saves him money on fuel cost, and at the same time it's good exercise.

Riding a bike to work, isn't practical for me, but I'm taking my lunch so I don't have to drive to get my midday meal. I've set a goal of at least two - three days a week. The extra benefit of this for me is that it give me the opportunity to use the gym on site. I'm trying to take advantage of it too as part of a healthier life style.

At home we have replaced some of our light bulbs with energy efficient compact fluorescent bulbs. I have noticed they need time for their light to build up and provide the full amount of light. Once they "warm up" there is plenty of light but I can see a little difference in color from standard bulbs. But that isn't a concern for me.

We also use ceiling fans to move the air around and allow us to turn the thermostat a degree or two higher. I enjoy the gentle hum of the one in our bedroom and it lulls me off to sleep at night.

Stay tuned for more ways to save and reduce energy use. Most of the things I've mentioned are simple and anyone can do them. Of course not everyone can ride their bike to work, but look around and see where you can make changes in your daily life.


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