Friday, April 3, 2009

You Dirty Dog!

I've previously mentioned how much Trixie likes to dig in the yard. She's small and doesn't really do much damage and other than a dirty nose and a bit of dirt on her paws she doesn't get too bad.

Trixie with a dirty face - again

Fast forward to this week. We have had rain all week. Any ground not covered in grass is a muddy mess. Trixie decided she needed to dig in a corner of the yard. She has never been so dirty.



There was a lot of dirt to remove. It is caked around her nose and mouth. There is heavy staining on her paws.


When I gave her a bath tonight, I had to shampoo her twice because her feet were so stained with Georgia red clay stain. There is still some stains on her paws.

Playing Fetch
She really is a bundle of energy.

I wonder how long she will stay clean this time.



  1. What a mess! LOL Don't ya just love it when they do things like that? She sure is a beauty!

  2. She's prettier clean, but I bet she had more fun being dirty. ;-)


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