Sunday, March 8, 2009

Signs of Spring

I posted last Monday about the snow we had in the Atlanta area last Sunday.

One Week Later... it is shirt sleeve weather once again and there are obvious signs of Spring. I heard someone say "if you don't the weather in Atlanta, wait a little while and it will change." That is certainly the case recently.

Hope you enjoy some of the Signs of Spring I found on my walk.

Bradford Pear Blossoms


We had a visitor that proves spring is just around the corner.

Spring Robin

What a difference one week makes!

Snow falling on Cedar



  1. We had just had the exact opposite. We had nice weather and today it snowed. Go figure!

  2. These are lovely photos!

    Our weather is all over the place too . . . rain . . . snow . . . sun . . . wind . . . rain . Who knows what will happen next?

    And some plants are well into spring while others, nearby, have hardly noticed.



  3. Thank you for your nice comments. I just heard the temperature is going to be almost 80 degrees today.

    But Spring is bursting out all over and the flowers are looking glorious. Now if I could just stop sneezing...

  4. I can't believe it was so warm in just a week!

  5. Hi-

    Please e mail me at

    I wrote to Miss Lila from Atlanta and she posts on PW like I do, and I see you do. I have an idea !! Mawcee

  6. Yes, what a difference a week makes! And sadly, more cold weather on the way, but hopefully no frozen stuff.


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